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Lala Drona is a French-American painter and video artist, born in Denver, Colorado. She is currently pursuing an MA in Painting at the Royal College of Art. Lala Drona publishes and exhibits her work internationally, with her most recent exhibitions presenting videos and paintings that explore digital spaces and the female gaze at the Cité des Arts de Paris. Her body of work—including painting in the expanded field, videos, and writing—delves into themes of the abject feminine, womxn's medical experience, and the void of the digital world. Her art exists within a fictional universe and mythology that she establishes online, then recontextualizes in the physical world through painting, performance, and sculpture. Drona's work challenges viewers to consider the impact of institutional structures on individual identity.

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Artist statement (short)

In a body, yet removed—into the slippage: the digital, the haze of a dream, and fragments of memory from an unknown time or place. Rebirth is a rupture, an unavoidable collision.

My paintings are the final cry of humanity’s diminishing physical experience, as connections to the body and its sensations weaken in an increasingly digital and violent world. Disembodied figures, accumulate like a copy-paste function, mirroring our fragmented existence in a post-digital era. Merging digital repetition with tactile sensation, I rub, scratch, and remove paint, exposing underlying layers. Through visceral textures and haunting imagery, my work reflects both loss and an unrelenting force of rebirth.

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