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Lala Drona is a painter whose work explores the rupture between the physical and virtual worlds. Born in Denver, Colorado, she is currently pursuing a Master’s in Painting at the Royal College of Art in London. Lala Drona publishes and exhibits her work internationally, with her most recent exhibition "Virtual Reverence" in Paris, France exploring the techno-spiritual relationship between humans and their devices.

Drona constructs a fictional universe that extends beyond the canvas, incorporating painting, performance, video, and writing. Her work invites viewers to confront the disintegration of the physical world, balancing mourning with an unrelenting drive for rebirth. 

She currently works and lives between London and Paris.

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Artist statement

Rebirth is a rupture, an unavoidable collision.

Lala Drona’s paintings are the final cry of humanity’s diminishing physical experience, as connections to the body weaken in an increasingly digital and violent world. Her textured surfaces evoke visceral sensations, while disembodied forms signal impending alienation.

She paints between wall and floor—enacting a world caught between an irretrievable past and an unwritten future. Using her fingers to rub, spread, and scrape the paint, she leaves traces that uncover layers, creating a tension between the mechanical and the sensorial.

Her wide variety of styles, marks, and mediums reflect an era defined by excess and disorder, contrasted by smooth gradated backgrounds that suggest the online realm—a space where softening removes information, and where the more unknown, resides the more divine.

Lala Drona’s artwork invites viewers to reflect on the disintegration of the physical world, conveying both mourning and an unrelenting drive for rebirth.

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